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Writing Samples /

High School Sustainability Curriculum

Viewing Sustainability through an Economics Lens: How to be Green While Staying in the Black is an economics curriculum for high school teachers in social studies, business, agricultural education, and science-related fields. The project, developed through the Department of Applied Economics at the University of Minnesota, aims to equip high school students with a basic understanding of selected sustainability issues and inspire them to champion innovative solutions to address environmental, ecological, and related economic challenges facing the planet and its people. Students are challenged to find sustainable solutions in energy, water, waste, and agriculture and food. The final lesson encourages social entrepreneurship as students use their entrepreneurial talents to solve social, cultural, and economic problems related to sustainability.


 I wrote and designed the sustainability materials, including the introductory modules, the student background handouts, infographics, the lesson on Planetary Boundaries, and the original website. Below is the Introduction Module.  

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